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MonoDevelop.AddinMaker - CI Build and Install .mpack

Using mhutch/MonoDevelop.AddinMaker to create your Addins? If not, you should convert your Addin Project (see his “Migrating Existing Projects” notes in the repo’s file)

Need to intergate building, creating the .mpack, and installing it into Xamarin Studio into your CI process?

Package your Addin to a .mpack file

xbuild PlayScript.Addin.csproj /t:CreatePackage

Install your .mpack

mdtool setup install bin/Debug/PlayScript.Addin.PlayScript.Addin_1.0.mpack

FYI: Using mhutch/MonoDevelop.AddinMaker makes developing and debugging Addins so much easier, there is still a huge documention gap in the MonoDevelop Addin system, but M. Hutch’s AddinMaker sure helps a ton (thanks mhutch!).
