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Adding nuget packages to your MonoDevelop Addin Templates

I recently created nugets for the PlayScript AOT assemblies as well as a separtate MSBuild target nuget and it ended up working really well in a x-plat way.

But one thing that I could not find quickly was how to tag my templates with the package info so they are automatically installed when the solution/projects are created.

Well the answer was kind-of right under my nose (RTFM):

Conditionally Adding a NuGet Package from a Project Template A NuGet package be conditionally installed based on a boolean parameter defined by the project template wizard.

    <Package id="Xamarin.GooglePlayServices" version="" if="UseGooglePlayServices" />

The conditions that can be specified do not support the more complicated condition that grouped templates do.

Re: Conditionally Adding a NuGet Package from a Project Template

So in my templates I currently do not have to lock them to a version and want the most recent ones available so I skip the version attribute:

    <Package id="PlayScript.AOT" />
    <package id="PlayScript.MSBuild" />
