The simplest Interop case HelloWorld I can create, give it a try and see what happens:
>cat countbyone.cpp
extern "C" int SomeMethod(int num) {
return num++;
Compile your shared library:
- Linux:
gcc -g -shared -fPIC countbyone.cpp -o
- OS-X:
clang -dynamiclib countbyone.cpp -o libcoutbyone.dylib
>cat interop.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace InteropDemo
class MainClass
private static extern int SomeMethod(int num);
public static void Main (string[] args)
var x = SomeMethod(0);
Compile your .Net/Mono app:
>mcs interop.cs
Run it:
>mono interop.exe
Output should be 1 and no errors…
If the shared (native) library is not found, you receive:
XXXXX failed to initialize, the exception is: System.DllNotFoundException
If you have a entry point mismatch you would receive a:
XXXXX failed to initialize, the exception is: System.EntryPointNotFoundException
From my answer on Stackoverflow