CodeFormatter is a tool that uses Roslyn to automatically rewrite the source to follow Microsoft’s coding styles, which are documented here.
CodeFormatter has been released as open-source for 6 months now, but I have not had a chance to look at it.
With Roslyn compiling on OS-X and I had a couple of projects that really needed to be cleaned up, I thought I would give it a try.
15 minutes in total to clone the repo and get things built properly, would have been quicker but the VS solution file is not very Xamanin Studio/MonoDevelop friendly as it includes ToolVersion 14 items (That would be included in VS 2015 beta).
But those projects are not needed to get the main program working…
mono ./CodeFormatter.exe
Must specify at least one project / solution / rsp to format
CodeFormatter [/file:<filename>] [/lang:<language>] [/c:<config>[,<config>...]>]
[/copyright:<file> | /nocopyright] [/tables] [/nounicode]
[/rule(+|-):rule1,rule2,...] [/verbose]
<project, solution or response file>
/file - Only apply changes to files with specified name
/lang - Specifies the language to use when a responsefile is
specified. i.e. 'C#', 'Visual Basic', ... (default: 'C#')
/c - Additional preprocessor configurations the formatter
should run under.
/copyright - Specifies file containing copyright header.
Use ConvertTests to convert MSTest tests to xUnit.
/nocopyright - Do not update the copyright message.
/tables - Let tables opt out of formatting by defining
/nounicode - Do not convert unicode strings to escape sequences
/rule(+|-) - Enable (default) or disable the specified rule
/rules - List the available rules
/verbose - Verbose output
mono ./CodeFormatter.exe /rules
Name Description
BraceNewLine :Ensure all braces occur on a new line
Copyright :Insert the copyright header into every file
NewLineAbove :Ensure there is a new line above the first namespace and using in the file
CustomCopyright :Remove any custom copyright header from the file
UsingLocation :Place using directives outside namespace declarations
UnicodeLiterals :Use unicode escape sequence instead of unicode literals
ExplicitVisibility :Ensure all members have an explicit visibility modifier
IllegalHeaders :Remove illegal headers from files
FormatDocument :Run the language specific formatter on every document
ExplicitThis :Remove explicit this/Me prefixes on expressions except where necessary
ReadonlyFields :Mark fields which can be readonly as readonly
FieldNames :Prefix private fields with _ and statics with s_
I’ll be checking next to see if it really works on some source code. ;-)